With Narative you can live stream on different platforms simultaneously.
For example, you can stream your live on YouTube, twitch and LinkedIn at the same time.
The number 1 of videostreaming social media with its more than 2 billion users.
Paris United, a group of supporters of the Paris Saint Germain soccer team, is doing live shows on it with Narative.
The concept is easy to understand: they live in order to debrief on each match and to unite PSG supporters on a sole live to debate or even interview community stakeholders, … and it’s huge!
With almost 3 billion users, it stays the leader on the social media market.
Here is an example of Sympa Cool, a show airing on Facebook.
For many years, Twitch has become THE social media that can’t be overlooked by streamers.
From video games to cooking, there is room for all kinds of themes on the platform!
If you’re a fan of pop culture, you can notably watch Mrbboy45 with his show “Horscam” also made with Narative.
The platform counting more than 1 billion users has recently made available the possibility to live stream.
ThisPerfectDay, a Lifestyle content creator has totally understood the interest of live creation on this platform.
This unavoidable social media will allow you to communicate with professionals of many companies and to touch a maximum of people in BtoB.
For example, we’re organizing lives on our account Narative where we show off our tool, as you can see in this replay.
You can also live on TikTok and Twitter using Narative, but in order to do that you’ll need to unlock this feature through these platforms.
If you want to host the feed in your own servers or in a third-party app, you can also stream to a RTMP server.
If Narative doesn’t offer the possibility to stream on your favorite platform yet, don’t hesitate to ask for it on our Discord.