In everyday life, we are always searching for the best products to buy, the ones more qualified, but mostly the ones that are the most popular.
Advice coming from skilled persons is very important for the consumers. “Experts” are everywhere on TV advertising, social media...
They comfort the consumers and make the action of buying easier.
Would you say no to a cream that hydrates your skin perfectly and that is 100% approved by dermatologists?
Consumers have access to a wide range of products on the market: beauty products, food products and even inside the niches that aren’t even ones anymore with the presence of Amazon and other big retailers.
Having a lot of competition means that there are not many seats on the market.
If you aren’t the leader on your market, it’s probably hard for your brand to shine.
That’s where content plays an important role to stand out!
There are many ways to stand out, but the best way to convince consumers in the first place is to prove the efficiency of your product.
What’s better than an expert to certify that you are the best choice possible?
Many formats are acceptable to make an expert talk: verbatim, TV ads, video clips, etc..
But all these formats are being used and reused every time, so why not break new grounds in your way to include experts in your communication strategy?
Platforms are encouraging product contents on live, you should then interview an expert on live, with Narative it has never been that simple.
The livestream will allow you to not create a simple listening anymore but a dialogue near your consumers, who can ask the questions, be comforted and then increase your conversion rate.
This proximity and the diverse interactions that you’ll establish will allow your prospective customers to feel close to your brand, comforted and listened to.
Well, about searching for an expert that suits you, we're gonna let you deal with that by yourself.
However, with Narative you won’t have to care about bringing the expert or finding a place to record in.
In fact thanks to Narative you can do all of that remotely, you can even interview them if they’re on the other side of the world, so you don’t have any excuses anymore!
And if your expert is worrying about showing themselves on live, we invite you to read the following article that will help you: How to stand up to the fear of showing yourself on live?